Eagle Lake Park
This is Pinellas County’s newest park, opening in 2010. It just recently reached the 160+ species plateau and when locals think of Eagle Lake Park they think of Northern Flickers and Wood Ducks, two species that are not a given at other locations around Pinellas, but they are here. It’s best to pull in, turn right and either use the first lot on your left or drive the park road to its end and park there. County rarities that have been recorded here include Canada Warbler, Cinnamon Teal, Trumpeter Swan, Lark Sparrow and Clay-colored Sparrow.
FALL: Like most Pinellas parks Eagle Lake has lots of oak trees, especially at its NW corner. Follow the park road to its end to get to the biggest concentration of oaks. Oaks = migrant passerines. Expect the usual fall species such as American Redstart, Prairie Warbler, Yellow-throated Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler, Summer Tanager and Indigo Bunting. On any given day, however, most anything is possible and could drop in.
WINTER: Set a goal for yourself and see if you can make it a five-woodpecker day here; Downy, Red-bellied and Pileated Woodpeckers, Northern Flicker and wintering Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. The flickers can usually be seen/heard in the vicinity of the big field after you’ve turned right upon entering the park. Watch the skies for vultures in winter. A pair of Great Horned Owls were discovered at the park recently and are usually seen perched high in one of the slash pines at the southern end.
SPRING: The spring-time chorus is led by Northern Cardinals, Northern Parulas, Brown Thrashers, Carolina Wrens and Purple Martins & Chimney Swifts chattering overhead. Migrants are few and far between, but there’s always a few of the Pinellas regulars reported here in late April.
SUMMER: Look and listen for Great Crested Flycatcher, Tufted Titmouse and the locally rare House Finch. Check the pond edges for Wood Ducks and Green Herons. There have been a handful of recent reports of White-winged Doves in the area, so maybe they’ll be colonizing the park soon.
INSIDER TIPS: There are plenty of restroom facilities and plenty of parking. A casual “birding” walk around the outer perimeter trail would take approx. two hours. There are a good selection of butterflies found here, too.